uss benjamin stoddert USS Jupiter reunion association
Gerry Arnett 61-62 (2025)Jesus (Ray) Baca 71-73 (2025)Barbara Bassolino fam (2025)John Bassolino 65-68 (2025)Jim Brown 69-73 (2025)Coleen Brown family (2025)Carole Bryan family (2025)Herm Chambers 66-68 (in memorium)Frank Chesla 63-66 (2025)Bill Christensen 75-79 (2025)Danilo Concepcion 73-75 (2025)Bill Everline 69-71 (2025)Harold Davison 68-69 (2026)John Dishaw 65-68 (2025)Bernie Dishaw family (2025)Douglas Fennell 70-73 (2025)Cathy Fennell family (2025)Myra Grzywacz family (2025)Tom Grzywacz 68-69 (2025)Leon Hall 57-64 Jupiter (2028)Art Hansen 72-76 (2025)Janie Hansen family (2025)Bernie Hansen 72-73(2025)Cynthia Hauschild family (2025)Daniel Hauschild family (2025)Ernest (Jay) Heassler 87-89 (2025)Peter Hekman 75-76 (2030)Jim Hinton 67-70 (2025)Susan Hinton family (2025)Clifton Jensen 71-74 (2026)Gregory Kahl 85-89 (2025)Brenda Kahl family (2025)Bill Key 64-66 (2025)Hank Koopman 66-69 (2025)Paul Lee 71-73 (2025)Danny Lerch 74-76 (2025)Jon Malay 74-77 (2027)Jerry McCormick 68-71 (2025)Michael Meyer 67-71 (2025)Maureen Moore (Bill 64-68) (2025)Harold Mueller 56-57 Jupiter (2025)Dennis O'Leary 71-74 (2025)Rich Palazzo 71-72 (2025)Joe Patz 64-68 (2025) (in memorium)Joy Patz family (2025)Kevin Riddle family (2025)Mike Rigdon 62-64 Jupiter (2033)Harvey Rowe 64-67 (2025)Steve Sagaser 71-73 (2025)Patricia Sagaser family (2025) Dave Saunders 66-72 (2025)Myrtle Saunders family (2025)Ron Schall 76-78 (2025)Daniel Searcy 68-72 (2025)Irving Smith III 83-85 (2025)Lou Tennenini 69-72 (2025)Lou Turilli 68-69 (2025)Jerry Urlacher 72-73 (2025)Robert Wasalaski 72-74 (2025)Dan Watson 68-69 (2025)Ted Waypa 66-69 (2026)Harley Wubben 71-75 (2025)Ron Zorn 64-67 (2025)
10 years later, our Bill Christensen 75-79, again wins the hula contest at the Germain's Luau!
Our hula contest winner 2014
Oklahoma City, OK October 2025Ohaha, NE 2026East Coast 2027...message me suggestions at
Look at these youngesters! Bassolino, Chesla, Dishaw, Turilli, Saunders and our angel
Herm Chambers! Concord, CA 2007

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From: Danilo B. Concepcion,
I just read the in the "In Memoriam" section the passing of a great man, Doc Dooley. I served with him as his fellow corpsman until he finished his duty on board the Stoddert. He taught me a lot that, and to this day have used a lot of his inspiration in my medical profession. I now golf and one my memories is how he always had his clubs on our deployments. Such a great, honorable, and gentle man. I'm saddened that he has passed on, but happy that he was a strong believer. He is now home with God. If anyone has contact with his family, please send my condolences,
I just read the in the "In Memoriam" section the passing of a great man, Doc Dooley. I served with him as his fellow corpsman until he finished his duty on board the Stoddert. He taught me a lot that, and to this day have used a lot of his inspiration in my medical profession. I now golf and one my memories is how he always had his clubs on our deployments. Such a great, honorable, and gentle man. I'm saddened that he has passed on, but happy that he was a strong believer. He is now home with God. If anyone has contact with his family, please send my condolences,
Jonathan T. (Jon) Malay (Benjamin Stoddert 74-77)I retired from a 20 career as a Navy ship-driver, oceanographer, meteorologist, and specialist in space systems, and then had a second great career in the aerospace industry representing my company at NASA and NOAA Headquarters in Washington, DC. I'm now happy to be an author, cruise ship lecturer in Earth and Space Science, and a consultant for government business. My wife and I live in Mill Creek, Washington and enjoy boating and fishing on Puget Sound.
I'm also very proud to be a Fellow and Past-president of both the American Meteorological Society (AMS) ( and the American Astronautical Society (AAS) (, and an Associate Fellow and former Board member of the American Institute for Aeronautics & Astronautics (AIAA) (
I'm also very proud to be a Fellow and Past-president of both the American Meteorological Society (AMS) ( and the American Astronautical Society (AAS) (, and an Associate Fellow and former Board member of the American Institute for Aeronautics & Astronautics (AIAA) (
Three days after the last Marine Corps helicopter lifted off from Saigon, the author and his Navy shipmates became the very last American military presence of the Vietnam War. This is their untold story, the important final chapter in the history of that wars bitter end.
Art Hanson 72-76 and Dave Saunders 66-72
have been to every reunion!
Look how much fun we have at reunions!
Contact us
Snack bar on Bravo Pier
Welcoming hula dance on the pier
USS Benjamin Stoddert DDG-22, USS Cochrane DDG-21, USS Goldsbrough DDG-20 Pearl Harbor 1966